Thursday, 22 March 2012

Biodiversity of Bangladesh: Extinction, Causes, impact and conservation.
Biodiversity refers to all species of plants, animals and micro-organisms existing and interacting within an ecosystem. Natural biodiversity provides the foundation for all agricultural plants and animals. The entire range of the domestic crops used in world agriculture is derived from wild species that have been modified through domestication, selective breeding and hybridization. Most remaining world centers of diversity contain populations of variable and adaptable landraces as well as wild and weedy relatives of crops, all of which provide valuable genetic resources for crop improvement.
In addition to producing valuable plants and animals, biodiversity performs many ecological services. In natural ecosystems, the vegetative cover of a forest or grassland prevents soil erosion, replenishes ground water and controls flooding by enhancing infiltration and reducing water runoff. In agricultural systems, biodiversity performs ecosystem services beyond production of food, fiber, fuel, and income. Examples include recycling of nutrients, control of local microclimate, regulation of local hydrological processes, regulation of the abundance of undesirable organisms and detoxification of noxious chemicals.
These renewal processes and ecosystem services are largely biological; therefore their persistence depends upon maintenance of biological diversity. When these natural services are lost due to biological simplification, the economic and environmental costs can be quite significant. Economically, in agriculture the burdens include the need to supply crops with costly external inputs, because agro ecosystems deprived of basic regulating functional components lack the capacity to sponsor their own soil fertility and pest regulation. Now we will see the overall conditions of biodiversity of Bangladesh.


Generally, Bio means "life" and diversity means "variety". Biodiversity means "variety of life". So biodiversity refers to the variety of life and its biological diversity on earth. It means the diversity of all life forms on earth. This includes the various the various races and species of all microbes, plants and animals that live on earth including their genetic differences.
In other words, biodiversity means the variability among living organism from all sources including terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems. It also includes diversity within species between species and the number of species of plants, animals, and microorganisms, the enormous diversity of genes in these species, the different ecosystems on the planet, such as deserts, rainforests and coral reefs etc.
Biodiversity of Bangladesh:
Bangladesh is a transitional zone of flora and fauna, because of its geographical settings and climatic characteristics. There are many rivers and streams existing in the country covering a length of 22,155 km. In addition to the regular inland waters, seasonally a large part of the country remains submerged for 3-4 months during monsoon. This country is rich in fish and aquatic resources, and other biodiversity. Bangladesh’s inland water bodies are known to be the habitat of 266 species of indigenous fish, 13 exotic fish, 56 prawns, about 26 freshwater mollusks, and 150 birds. The marine water bodies (200 nautical miles along the coast) are also remarkable for being habitat of 442 species of fish. There are at least 36 species of marine shrimps. About 336 species of mollusks, covering 151 genera have been identified from the Bay of Bengal. In addition, several species of crabs, and 31 species of turtles and tortoises, of which 24 live in freshwater are found in Bangladesh. 
There are numerous invertebrates in the country that are yet to be identified. Various authors have recorded about 70 species of bees, and many species of wasps. In Bangladesh only about 8-10 per cent of the land area is under good canopy cover. It supports approximately 5000 species of angiosperms, out of which about 300 species are being cultivated. The list of medicinal plants is currently being revised at the Bangladesh National Herbarium (BNH), and is expected to exceed 5000 species. There are 224 species of timber yielding plants found in Bangladesh.  The IUCN Bangladesh Red Data Book (2000) has described 266 species of inland fishes, 442 marine fishes, 22 amphibians, 109 inland reptiles, 17 marine reptiles, 388 resident birds, 240 migratory birds, 110inland mammals, as well as 3 species of marine mammals in Bangladesh
According to the Red List of IUCN, there are 54 species of inland fishes, 8 amphibians, 58 reptiles, 41 resident birds, and 40 mammals, which are threatened throughout the country. Among the marine and migratory species of animals, 4 fishes, 5 reptiles, 6 birds, and 3 mammals are threatened. So far, the Red Data Book on plants, which is under preparation at BNH, lists 96 seed-bearing plant species that are threatened. The depletion of biodiversity is the result of various kinds of human development interventions and activities, especially in the areas of agriculture, forestry, fisheries, urbanization, industries, chemicals, minerals, transport, tourism, and energy.
 (1) Flora
(a) Habitats
(c) Hill forest
(d) Sal forest
(e) Reed-land Forest etc.
(a) Turtles and Tortoises
(b) Monitor Lizards
(c) Aquatic invertebrates
(d) Shrimp
(e) Crab
(f) Fish
(g) Frogs
(h) Birds
(i) Mammals
(3)Mangrove Forest Biodiversity
(4)Wetland Biodiversity in the Haor Basin
(5) Coastal Biodiversity
(a) St. Martin’s Island
(b) Nijhum Dweep
(c)Madhupur Tract
 (d)Chalan Beel
(e) the Teknaf Peninsula and
(f) Sonadia Island etc.

Extinction of Biodiversity in Bangladesh:

Biodiversity is said to be extinct when any species, plant or animal of it is in danger of dying out or suffering population reductions to such an extent that the species can no longer recover and faces extinction in the wild.
In other words, a species would be considered endangered when the best available evidence indicates that the species is facing a very high risk of extinction in the wild.
Extinction is usually referring to the species in the wild. Although there may be some specimens in zoos, or controlled environments, if there is really no reasonable doubt that the last specimen has died, then after surveys have been conducted, over the lifespan of the species, in its native or known habitat, then a species should be declared extinct. Extinction is happening too fast, to too many species of plants and animals, in too many places. Three species become extinct every hour of every day. More than 30 species become extinct while you sleep at night. More than 20,000 species become extinct every year.

Causes of Extinction of Biodiversity in Bangladesh:
(1) Invasive Alien Species
(2) Climate Change
(3) Nutrient Loading
(4) Habitat Change
(5) Over-hunting and Over-exploitation:
(6) Wildlife Trade
(7) Carbon Trade 
(8) Fragmentation and Loss of Habitat
(9) Change in Hydrological Regime:
(10) Uncontrolled Tourism
(11) Unsustainable Agricultural Practices
(12) The Military and the Environment
(13) Lack of Knowledge and Awareness

Impacts of extinction of biodiversity:
Humans play a tremendous role in wildlife extinction. Habitat loss, degradation, and fragmentation are the leading factors that cause wildlife extinction to occur. The second largest threat is from introducing nonnative species into ecosystems. Many species are accidentally introduced. Many are introduced because of their value as a food source and as pest control. The problem with these nonnative species is that they have no “natural predators, competitors, parasites, or pathogens” that control their population. Poaching and hunting is another cause of wildlife extinction, but it is a very lucrative business so it is popular.
The impact of deforestation on wildlife extinction is severe. Deforestation is the greatest eliminator of terrestrial species. As shown in the last slide habitat loss is the greatest factor in wildlife extinction and habitat loss is caused by deforestation. When deforestation occurs many species lose their natural homes and food supplies. It happens so rapidly that they do not have time to adapt and species are lost. These areas are industrialized, commercialized, urbanized, and used for agriculture. Deforestation not only causes many plants and animals to become extinct it also causes soil degradation which causes more habitat loss and extinction.
Wildlife extinction has a large impact on our world that most people are not aware of. It will take at least 5 million years for speciation to rebuild the biodiversity we are likely to destroy during this century. The instrumental value of some species should be taken into consideration. “Species provide economic value in the form of food crops, fuel wood and lumber, paper, and medicine. The genetic information in species is also very important to mankind. The information is used to create new crop types, as well as food, medicines, and vaccines. The plants and animals of the earth are also important because of the recreational pleasure they provide us with. More people in America spend time watching wildlife than they do watching movies or sports. Eco-tourism generates at least $500 billion per year worldwide. There are many ways wildlife extinction has an influence on the world.
Conservation of Biodiversity:
In order to ensure a better life some effective measures should have been taken. By this time our govt. has already taken some steps but those are the least steps. The Government of Bangladesh has recently initiated a number of programs to manage avifauna, both in wilderness and in situ. Worth mentioning are programs for the protection of migratory birds through promulgation of the Bangladesh Wildlife Preservation (Amendment) Act, 1974, and the publication of awareness-building materials. A number of training programs at both local and national levels have been organized for developing human resources, and building institutional capacity. Bangladesh is also a member of Global Tiger Forum, a group that is involved in the conservation of tiger populations. In order to protect wildlife biodiversity the Bangladesh Wildlife Preservation (Amendment) Act, 1974 is available, where names of protected animals are also enlisted.

For the better conservation of the biodiversity of Bangladesh the following measures should be taken-
(1)  Measures to ensure Coastal and Wetland Biodiversity Management.
(2)  Taking National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan.
(3) Taking steps for the Conservation and Management of Medicinal Plants.
(4) Taking Sustainable Environment Management Program.
(5) Taking measures for the Management of Aquatic Ecosystem through Community Husbandry.
(6) Taking Sundarbans’ Biodiversity Conservation Program.
(7) Taking Forest Resources Management Project
(8) Running Biodiversity Survey in 13 Protect Areas annually.
(9) Taking steps for the Maintenance of the ecological balance, and overall progress and development of the country through protection and improvement of the environment.
(10) Identification and control of all types of activities related to pollution and degradation of environment.
(11) Ensuring environmentally sound development in all Sectors.
(12) Ensuring sustainable long-term and environmentally congenial utilization of all natural resources.
(13) The national policy planning authorities should recognize the necessity for conservation of biodiversity, and ensure multi-sectored coordination for it.
(14) Government agencies involved in biodiversity conservation should be strengthened, and new agencies should be created wherever necessary.
(15) Agencies for the survey of fauna and microorganisms need to be created.
(16) The Wildlife Conservation Circle should be activated and strengthened.
(17) As per the declaration made by the Environment Conservation Act, 1995, an ECA wing should be created in the DoE. The Department of Environment should be strengthened for ECA management.
(18) Establishment of a National Institute of Biodiversity.
(19) Preparing a digitized national database on biodiversity.
(20) Raising Awareness about the need for conservation of biodiversity among all sections of society should be encouraged.
(21) Conservation regulations should be updated, and enforced strictly.
(22) Revision and reallocation of resources should be made to make development sustainable, if necessary.
(23) Running Studies and development of environmentally sound biotechnology and evaluation of the positive and negative effects of biotechnology on biodiversity.

Legal and Regulatory Framework of Bangladesh regarding Biodiversity:
1. The Protection and Conservation of Fish Act, 1950.
2. The Protection and Conservation of Fish Rules, 1985.
3. The Private Fisheries Protection Act, 1889.
4. Bangladesh Fisheries Development Corporation Act, 1973.
5. The Marine Fisheries Ordinance, 1983.
6. The Fisheries Research Institute Ordinance, 1984.
7. Wildlife Preservation Act, 1974 (Amendment Act, 1994).
8. Forest (Amendment) Act, 1990.
9. Forest Act, 2000 (Amending Act, 1927).
10. The Environment Conservation Act, 1995.
11. The Environment Conservation Rules, 1997.
But these laws are not enough for the conservation of our biodiversity. By amending the faults of these laws and enacting new laws we can conserve the most needed biodiversity.

In fine, Bangladesh is a signatory to about 28 environmental treaties, conventions and protocols. Bangladesh signed the Biodiversity Convention at Rio in 1992, and ratified it in 1994. A focus on biodiversity has been emphasized in the Forest Policy and Environment Policy. However, a separate policy on biodiversity is yet to be formulated, and until then various departments of the government are responsible for conservation of biodiversity. The Bangladesh National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan are under preparation as a national obligation to the Convention on Biological Diversity. In order to live a healthy and planned life we need a fresh environment. To ensure a fresh environment we need profuse biodiversity. For the maintenance of healthy life we need to conserve our biodiversity with extra care. Along with the govt. initiatives we should come forward to keep our biodiversity safe and free of all dangers. The search for self-sustaining, low-input, diversified, and energy-efficient agricultural systems is now a major concern of many researchers, farmers, and policymakers worldwide. A key strategy in sustainable agriculture is to restore functional biodiversity of the agricultural landscape. Biodiversity performs key ecological services and if correctly assembled in time and space can lead to agro-ecosystems capable of sponsoring their own soil fertility, crop protection and productivity.
In fine, biodiversity is very much important for maintaining intergenerational equity and ecological balance.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012


Environment plays a significant role in every spheres of our life. It is a yardstick of anything to be right or wrong. We can think nothing without the very word environment. Even we cannot do any work without the environment positive to do that work. We notice various types of environment from the very beginning of the universe. For instance, the environment of nature or natural environment, artificial environment, environment of reading, environment of sleeping, environment of eating, environment of playing, environment of gossiping, environment of committing crime, environment of saying prayer, environment of judging the criminals, environment of establishing a prayer house, environment of residence and so on. 

If we analyze the above mentioned environments it will be found that the natural environment is the mother of all environments. Besides, if we want to study at a place it will have to be ensured that the environment of reading exists there. The place must be quiet and healthy. While sleeping we do not choose a noisy place because we know that the noisy environment is not suitable for sleeping. At the time of eating hygienic environment is necessary as we will become the victims of serious diseases if the surroundings are unhygienic. If we want to play cricket, it is not possible to play it on a muddy ground. This research shows that the environment is the centre of all things. Now we have to find out that one which is the controller of all environments. It is as clear as the sun that the natural environment is the mother and controller of all environments.

So we should concentrate on natural environment. It is the key factor to maintain the rest of the environment regarding our demand. For instance, if we destroy our natural environment it will affect the climate of the world. As a result, various types of natural disasters will break out. Then if we want to make the environment of playing cricket it will not be possible because of rain, storm, cyclone and many other natural calamities. That is why the natural environment is the most important one. In the present world we see that the world is undergoing a catastrophic change on its climate. To control the deterioration of the world’s climate the United Nations has launched a number of programmes. Copenhagen Climate Change Conference, Rio Declaration on Environment Development, United Nations Convention on the Law of Sea, and Convention on Biological Diversity are note worthy. 

In the past, people thought of the beauty of the environment. But now the beauty of the earth disappears. People around the world have awoken to the realities of just how fragile the earth is! Central to this issue is pollution mainly the pollution by human species. Along with the problem mass deforestation and emission of carbon-di-oxide are also responsible.

We should keep and maintain the world’s environment in such a way that our next generation can be able to live in a healthy world. We should protect the bio-diversity of our environment. Then it will be possible to make a sustainable development of our environment and ensure intergenerational equity.